body generated - digitally born
GENESIS project is a blockchain native project based on medical and body data by Ruby Rhizome. As an artist exploring blockchain technology on a larger philosophical and technological scale, Ruby Rhizome sees its enormous potential, viewing it as an antidote, and perhaps even a cure, for a post-capitalistic society. She believes it opens a door to new socio-cultural changes that society has been seeking. In her creative and personal philosophy, she is drawn to Deleuzian approaches of interconnectedness and post humanistic ideas where one entity connects to another. Consequently, in her art, she seeks that interconnected thread, challenging the dualistic manner of viewing the world. In her GENESIS project, she focuses on human-digital/intimate-public dualisms, challenging them and pushing her own boundaries. This work is not only philosophical but also possesses a simplicity—it is a celebration of life, almost life itself. Since undergoing a serious surgery a few years ago, Ruby Rhizome experienced a profound realization of being alive for the first time—and, naturally, has been very grateful for it. She vividly remembers how happy that seemingly simple fact made her. Since then, Ruby Rhizome has always found medical data strangely beautiful—certificates of our existence, proven by data and measurements. After accumulating a lot of her medical data in her artistic studio and observing them for their peculiar beauty and the satisfaction they gave her, contemplating her existence, she decided to turn it into artwork. As she was wearing actively and consistently an AI-powered ECG holter reader for months and recording all of her heartbeats, she also underwent an X-ray of her upper body and lungs, where the lungs, spine, heart, and chest are visible. Then, she extracted measurements of her 24-hour heartbeats foe many days and hand -manipulated them into a drawing lines using various digital softwares. For her, the heartbeats themselves became an artistic medium. The scan of Ruby Rhizome's upper body serves as a canvas—an embodiment of the concept that our bodies are mere vessels for life. Each artwork is colored differently as each work portrays different emotion that artist experienced that day. Each artwork contains details of the ECG measurement with a highlighted date of recording, and Ruby Rhizome's signature. Thus, each artwork is inherently unique, reflecting the individuality of the day those heartbeats portray. By sharing this work on-chain, Ruby Rhizome aims to infuse it with a distinctly human essence. While digital art can often feel detached and impersonal, this project seeks to transcend that perception. It endeavors to bridge the gap between the cold, digital realm and the intimate human experience, uniting them through personal data. In Rhizome's work, the shapes are deeply rooted in sacred geometry and patterns, serving as a exploration in her research in the field of cymatics. By exploring the conclusions of Hans Jenny, by which everything is essentially a physical manifestation of vibration and frequency, with all physical shapes 'programmed' by these frequencies and sound vibrations. Inspired by this research which showcased structures reminiscent of mandalas and other recurring forms in nature, Rhizome realized that these shapes were manifestations of an invisible force field of vibrational energy. This observation affirmed that all forms are interconnected through the lines running through main points, known as 'nodal patterns.' Rhizome's work is heavily influenced, with many pieces in her collection incorporating shapes based on patterns detected by a cymascope during heartbeat readings. Additionally, other shapes present in the artist’s works, formed by her using heartbeats as a digital drawing medium, are derived from sound frequencies and simple geometry recurrently found in nature and the human body, such as the Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio, and mandalas. The project's overarching goal is to dismantle the cultural barriers that separate the intimate from the public, the human from the digital. It seeks to illustrate the interconnectedness of all things and the shared nature of personal data—something both unique and universally relatable. In essence, this project represents an effort to humanize the blockchain, infusing it with the warmth and depth of human experience.
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33 artworks. 33 days of life
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